Friday, July 2, 2010

Charlie tried to escape...

Lew and I have been baffled by how smart Charlie is. Her latest surprisingly smart idea was to break out of "jail" (her crib). We are trying to get her to go to sleep by herself. I was sitting outside her crib trying to calm her down and she grabbed two of the slats and put her foot on the slat in the middle and pushed and pulled as hard as she could. It was amazing that she came up with a way to try to

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Charlie is playful with me today...

My baby finally played with me today. It was so awesome! She kept putting her toy by my mouth to get me to kiss it and giggled. Oh it just made my day. She keeps doing this blinky flirty thing. Yippe! My baby played with me!

Friday, February 5, 2010

I really need to start making this a habit....

It is so hard to remember everything special that goes on in a day. I should really start doing this blog thing every night.

Charlie had her 6 month pictures taken today and boy are they expensive now. They are really cute though.
She is also enjoying her Johnny Jumper so much more than her sisters ever did.

Kaijah made the Honor Roll again! Woo hoo!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Charlie is a kissin' now...

25 Jan 10 - Charlie started giving me and Lew kisses today. She almost gets her lips puckered, grabs our faces, and leans in. It is too darn cute. I tried to get her to give Kairah kisses, but she wasn't ready for that.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas

27 Dec 09 - So I have been sick since Christmas Morning....Boooooo! I am just now feeling a little better 2 days later.

Early Christmas Eve Morning we opened our Secret Santa gifts. This is a new thing we started this year. Charlie got a new sippy cup and rubber ducky that tells if the water is too hot, from Kailah.
I made an apron for Kaijah.
Kairah got a picture frame that says "I have the best big sister ever" with a picture of her and Charlie in it, from Charlie. Kaijah decorated a journal for Kailah.
Kairah had her picture taken with Santa for Lew. And I got a nose ring from Lew (I guess he is giving me his blessing to get my nose pierced

Christmas Eve Party was fun dispite all the challenges. I am glad I made as much food as I did or we probably would not have had much to eat. Good thing I love to cook. We had an ornament exchange for the adults and I found out my peeps are too nice to play dirty santa. I was the only person that stole an ornament. lol. The kids had a game exchange. That seemed to go over well. I think I might switch it up for the kids every year. It was a little tough with the kiddies because they could not go outside because of the rain. We also had to forgo the fire pit. The weather also made it impossible to go out Caroling and deliver bread to the gates, fire departments and police stations. We had three tornadoes in the area. Hopefully next year the weather will cooperate and we will have a better turn out.
Christmas lasted most of the day. The girls had to wait atleast 30 minutes to open a gift. After 30 minutes they were so busy enjoying the gift they just opened that they forgot about the others. So I would ask them about an hour later if they wanted to open a gift. Me and Lew felt sick all day, but we tried to be cheery. It was a success! The girls had a great time, even Charlie seemed to enjoy opening presents. We all went outside in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Historical Pensacola Trip

22 December 2009 - Today my girls and I went to Historical Pensacola. It was a fun and interesting trip. I felt sorry for the tour guide because my girls kept asking a lot of questions, but I guess that is her job. Charlie was quiet except for a 20 minute tantrum. We toured 3 houses and a church and then had some yummy lunch. The girls had the giggles for about 40 minutes during lunch. We walked around some more and visited a museum of Pensacola history. The girls got to play in this cool play area while Charlie took a nap.

I think Charlie was happy to leave because on the way she was squeeling with delight. It was so cute.